Nate was monkey-hugging me all the way to the school bus. When I said its time to go he held fast. Finally I stuck my arms straight out and said to Pebbles, the bus driver, "look! no hands". She said "Dats why we call em Opihi".
Later Nate's teacher at school called and said there had been a mix up with Nate's backpack on the bus. Apparently another kid has the same one.
When the bus returned later to drop him off. Pebbles volunteered that "if we jus put one Opihi on his backpack -- we neva mix em up". Big laughs.
Milling around the house before bed this evening I happened across an Opihi shell on a knick-nacks shelf. I drilled out three small holes and stitched it on. Great idea Pebbles!
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