It was pretty small on the South shore today so I took Ben and the long board for some surf lessons. He caught one and rode it on his belly for about 40 yards. Meanwhile I tried to keep up with flippers and swim gloves.
After Sue headed out to work we went to the Strike Zone at Fort Shafter where Ilikea celebrated her 10th birthday. Pizza, bowling, cake, the whole nine yards. The kids were wired from all the sugar, lights and noise so I stopped by the park on the way home to let them run around some in the open air.
Awesome sunset tonight, and opposite it, a rainbow so wide I couldn't shoot it all in the same frame.
Fort Shafter...... hehehehehe (so childish I am) Seriously tho, VERY cool you took Ben out surfing. What an experience for him and you both to teach him that. :)