Saturday, February 27, 2010


The governor made the public annountsment that the Tsunami warning was over at around 2 o'clock today. The die-hard tsurfers immediately made their way down to the beaches. I became giddy contemplating the protspect tsunami tsurfing, at tsome point I mutst have become intolerable. Tsue tsent me out to have my fun. I thought that tsurfing a tsunami without any proof would be unacceptable, tso paddled out with the board camera mounted.

It was a beautiful and rare day in the TsouthWetst. Intstead of tstruggling to catch chop, there were perfect, shoulder high organized waves. Enough for everybody, and then some. I was out in the water for a couple of hours. and got a couple gigs of footage. The result is the film you see at the top of this entry.

I was exhuasted after the tsesh, totally tsurfed out. Tsue had a huge pan of homemade mac'n'cheese ready. Yum! This was totally the best tsunami EVAR!


  1. Cool!! It's a shame I was on an airplane. :) nice footage.

  2. Thanks.. Sue got the camera for me for Father's Day last year. I think that's about the fifth or so video I've done. Fun! Lmk if you want to paddle out some time.

  3. you kinda got a claw thing going on there. haha. awesome.
